• Behave Yourself!: Helping Students Plan to Do Better, Oct/2008

Behave Yourself!: Helping Students Plan to Do Better, Oct/2008

Author(s) Ambrose Panico
ISBN10 1934009415
ISBN13 9781934009413
Format Paperback
Pages 120
Year Publish 2008 October


Develop sound behavior change plans for both general and special education students. You will learn specific strategies for developing behavior intervention plans (BIPs) that lead to long-term, positive change. You will also gain the tools required to do this important work. The author outlines a practical five-step Plan to Do Better approach and provides reproducibles that ease the information-gathering process so vital to developing your BIPs.

  1. Focus on engaging students as active participants in the behavior change process.
  2. Master a process that unites problem-solving teams, parents, and students in creating a viable plan that results in changed behavior.
  3. Discover proven alternatives to the rewards/punishment system of classical conditioning.
  4. Examine the importance of personal (internal) variables in addition to environmental (external) ones.
  5. Study detailed examples of successful behavior change plans.

About The Author:
Ambrose Panico is a veteran educator and change agent who has been a teacher, coach, dean, principal, state due process hearing officer, and central office administrator. Ambrose, who began his career as a teacher in a Chicago public school behavior disorders classroom, is assistant director of the Exceptional Children Have Opportunities (ECHO) Joint Agreement in South Holland, Illinois. He has developed therapeutic public school options for students who require higher levels of support and helped districts meet diverse student needs in general education classrooms and district special programs. He also works with districts to develop and implement behavior intervention plans that empower students who are attempting to behave better.

As a consultant, Ambrose has supported the efforts of like-minded educators on a national level. In addition to his public school career, he is a professional development specialist, consultant, and trainer.