• Facing the Competition: An Organization Mobilizes for Large-Scale Change

Facing the Competition: An Organization Mobilizes for Large-Scale Change

Author(s) Nagah Ramadan, Patrick Parker-Roach, and Carl Klempner
ISBN10 1883823285
ISBN13 9781883823283
Format Paperback
Pages 20
Year Publish 1998 January


In this era of rapid change, all organizations face unprecedented levels of complexity in striving toward their goals. Public utility companies confront special challenges that stem from their unique relationship with surrounding social systems of government and competition. Yet at the same time, these companies grapple with many of the same issues facing any other enterprise: keeping customers happy, fending off competitors, addressing the problems that arise with rapid growth, and so forth.

This volume tells the dramatic story of Cleveland Public Power (CPP), a public utility that decided to launch an expansion effort after receiving funding from a bond issue. As you will see, the company used a broad array of organizational learning tools and principles to transform itself. In rich and moving detail, the story reveals the passions and frustrations, and the stumbling blocks and celebrations that often accompany such learning journeys. CPP's odyssey has much to teach all organizations about learning and change. Most of all, the story reveals the magic that can happen when a dedicated group of people come together to remake themselves and their company.